Monday, August 12, 2013

You know, just working in IT!

So after I got out of Specs Howard I was a little indecisive about what I wanted to do with my life, so I went to community college for 2.5 years to find myself. I started working in the IT department and towards the middle of my time there they needed a recruitment video made. I knew how to edit so I was in. I wasn't on set this time either, but I still had a lot less creative control than I had ever had because of type of client a community college is. I was told what to put in clip by clip what the director wanted, which was TOTALLY fine with me, just new. When I was editing I noticed how excited I was and it definitely opened my eyes to the fact that I did indeed want to be in film/video production.

Editing at Specs- Very Cool

After high school I went to Specs Howard School of Media Arts. In our last month  there (February 2010) we got a chance to not just learn about production, but make two projects. I edited for both. These PSA's where written and created by someone in my group and I edited both. I had fun looking at what they made, because this was the first thing I had edited without actually being on set.

P.S Every time I get to the "Dead" part I laugh. I don't know where we got that idea from but it was unintentionally funny.

SCOOP TV: One of the best early production experiences I have had!

In 2007 I was in a program for teens called SCOOP TV where I was able to write, produce and edit my own production. I chose to do my 5 minute production on teens doing positive things in Detroit called Real Teens in Detroit. At the time I felt that there has always been negative stereotypes about the youth in Detroit so I wanted to showcase kids from a local art youth program. Enjoy :) Its a real throw back!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

PSA for the Michigan Crime Stoppers

I was offered a job to co-edit a bullying PSA that the Michigan Crime Stoppers wanted to air on television. It was an excellent experience because is was for a well known organization. I believe it was in the summer of 2008 when I was in the 11th grade. Good times. I am still proud of it. Our student production team at DSA was the best!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A video project from highshool... lol!

During the last year of high school we had a video project in which we had to recreate a famous movie scene. We had about a little more than a month to do it. We really couldn't think of any movies to do our project on. Since Never Been Kissed was one of  my favorite movies at that time, we just picked it. We really didn't want to do it. We got about the full month in when we were still doing pre-production! We didn't really want to do it, and it showed in our slacker-ism. One day Liar Liar was on TV and I came across this great scene. BOOM. Great idea, but we only had about one week left in the project. We didn't dare tell the teacher, we just you know, did the pre-production, production, and editing in three days. THE MINDS OF TEENAGERS! It actually came out to be the best of the class, but we couldn't get the A because it was below the 5 minute mark. Take a look. (It was 2009 by the way)

About Me

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I like to do a multitude of things. Never tied down. Always open :)